Laverne George Morin
Laverne, oldest child of Ed and Irene Morin, was born April 23, 1930 on the farm, west of Damar, Kansas. Laverne, along with brother Robert (Bob) and sister, Shirley, were the “30’s family”. Laverne began school in a one-room country schoolhouse, 1/2 mile west of the farm. It was there they learned English, as Canadian-French was spoken at home. In about 1940 Damar opened a school and the kids transferred to school there. In 1947 Laverne graduated from Damar High School and in the fall he boarded the train in Phillipsburg, bound for St. Benedict’s in Atchison, KS, on the Missouri river. He graduated with honors in 1951. The Korean Conflict was ongoing, and the draft was in effect. Laverne chose to enlist in 1952 and, after basic training, was sent to the Army Intelligence School, Ft. Holabird, MD. On completion of coursework he had the option of intelligence duty in Germany or with the 82nd Airborne Div. He chose the latter, which entailed completing the Army Airborne School at Ft. Benning, GA. He then joined the 82nd Counter-Intelligence Detachment, 82nd Airborne Div., Ft. Bragg, NC. Laverne was able to separate from service in August, 1954 in time to begin studies at the Kansas University Law School. While in school he was a member of the Editors Board for the Kansas Law Review. By taking summer school classes, he was able to graduate in Dec, 1956. Laverne moved to Wichita, prepared for and then sat for the Kansas Bar Exam, and was admitted to the Bar to practice law in the State of Kansas on Feb 13, 1957. Laverne was accepted to Clerk for the Federal Court and, on Nov 18, he was certified to practice before the 10th Circuit, US Court of Appeals,
In 1959 Laverne joined the law firm of Collins, Hughes, Martin, Pringle, and Schnell in Wichita, and began to specialize in mineral rights law. Laverne managed to get home to visit regularly, especially during Pheasant Season, where he would, on occasion, bring some of his firm partners. Ed always made sure to know where the pheasants were, often pre-stocking some dressed and frozen, in the freezer in the wash house. In the fall of 1963 Laverne began experiencing headaches, dizziness, vision probems. A series of physical examinations proved inconclusive, until he visited the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN late in the year, where he was diagnosed as having an brain tumor. After a series of radiation and chemotherapy sessions, By the end of Feb, 1964 he was well enough to be released, and proceeded to establish a Firm office in Colorado. However, by mid-summer the symptoms had returned, and he returned to Wichita. Laverne died Oct 13, 1964. He was 34 years old. He had not married.